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MUAYTHAI 1 (Basic Level)


Minimum training: 40 Hours / 10-14 days
Course expire date :   within 90 days since register.   

1. For both men and women - age 16 years old above,
2. No knowledge of MuayThai required.
3. Healthy.

1. To learn and to understand Thai cultures, Thai tradition and customs.
2. To learn and to understand MuayThai history, values and principles.
3. To appreciate and to have right attitiues on Thai cultures, Thai tradition and customs.
4. To learn/train basic skills of MuayThai, e.g. 
- Clenching the fist
- Hand Wraps
- WaiKru >> respect to His Majestic's the King and Queen, your country, parents, teachers-master-trainers-coach, your opponent and yourself
- Guarding, footwork and stepping (both guards)
- Defending, blocking (both guards)
- Using various parts of the body as a weapon >> punching, kicking (both guards)
- Pad Work, Sandbag

Study Time:
1. Training for 10 days, 6 days a week (Rest on Sunday), twice a day, 2 hours per session.
2. We have 4 sessions class a day, this course you can choose to train 2-3 sessions a day (any session, any day)
>> Morning Class : 07.00 - 09.00
>> Noon Class : 12.00 - 14.00
>> Afternoon Class : 15.00 - 17.00
>> Evening Class : 17.30 - 19.30

Examination : --> MuayThai 1 (Basic Course) >> 60% pass, the exam consists of two parts;
Part 1 : MuayThai Exam
After you finish all lessons of our MuayThai curriculum in this course then our masters will appointment the day to exam your skills by 3 masters give you scores, the exam time will be at 14.00-15.00 only, 
Our masters will give you a score and grade (A, B, C, D, and F) on paper tests then we will summary your scores and average, if you get over than 60% you will pass our exam and MuayThai Certificate and MuayThai Transcript recognized by Ministry of Eduation, World MuayThai Council and MuayThai Institute. In case, if you fail the exam, you can train more what you fail and you still have one more chance to do re-exam without any fee of charge. If you still fail, you must register the course again.

Part 2 : Physical Tests, 
To record personal physical abilities, doesn't has any effect to MuayThai Exam scores.
     1. Speed running,
     2. Zig-zag running,
     3. Push up within 30 seconds,
     4. Squat within 30 seconds,
     5. Sit up within 30 seconds,
     6. Chin up within 30 seconds.

Remark : Our institute always develope and upgrade all of our MuayThai courses for more intensive and appropriate every year.


MUAYTHAI 2 (Intermediate Level)

Minimum training: 50 Hours / 13-20 days
Course expire date :    within 110 days since register.  

1.For both men and women - age 16 years old above,
2.Passed MuayThai Level 1(Basic Skills)

1. To learn and to understand Thai cultures, Thai tradition and customs.
2. To learn and to understand MuayThai history, values and principles.
3. To appreciate and to have right attitiues on Thai cultures, Thai tradition and customs.
4. To learn/train Intermediate skills of MuayThai, e.g. 
- Clenching the fist
- Hand Wraps
- WaiKru >> respect to His Majestic's the King and Queen, your country, parents, teachers-master-trainers-coach, your opponent and yourself
- Guarding, footwork and stepping (both guards)
- Defending, blocking (both guards)
- Using various parts of the body as a weapon >> punching, kicking, kneeing, front kick (both guards)
- Pad Work, Sandbag

Study Time:
1. Training for 13 days, 6 days a week (Rest on Sunday), twice a day, 2 hours per session.
2. We have 4 sessions class a day, this course you can choose to train 2-3 sessions a day (any session, any day)
>> Morning Class : 07.00 - 09.00

>> Noon Class : 12.00 - 14.00
>> Afternoon Class : 15.00 - 17.00
>> Evening Class : 17.30 - 19.30

Examination : --> MuayThai 2 (Intermediate Course) >> 60% pass, the exam consists of two parts;
Part 1 : MuayThai Exam
After you finish all lessons of our MuayThai curriculum in this course then our masters will appointment the day to exam your skills by 3 masters give you scores, the exam time will be at 14.00-15.00 only, 
Our masters will give you a score and grade (A, B, C, D, and F) on paper tests then we will summary your scores and average, if you get over than 60% you will pass our exam and MuayThai Certificate and MuayThai Transcript recognized by Ministry of Eduation, World MuayThai Council and MuayThai Institute.
In case, if you fail the exam, you can train more what you fail and you still have one more chance to do re-exam without any fee of charge. If you still fail, you must register the course again.

Part 2 : Physical Tests
To record personal physical abilities, doesn't has any effect to MuayThai Exam scores.

     1. Speed running,
     2. Zig-zag running,
     3. Push up within 30 seconds,
     4. Squat within 30 seconds,
     5. Sit up within 30 seconds,
     6. Chin up within 30 seconds.

Remark : Our institute always develope and upgrade all of our MuayThai courses for more intensive and appropriate every year.


MUAYTHAI 3 (Advance Level)

Minimum training: 60 Hours / 15-30 days
Course expire date :   within 120 days since register.  


1. For both men and women - age 16 years old above,
2. Passed MuayThai Level 2 (Intermediate Skills)
3. Healthy.


1. To learn and to understand Thai cultures, Thai tradition and customs.
2. To learn and to understand MuayThai history, values and principles.
3. To appreciate and to have right attitiues on Thai cultures, Thai tradition and customs. 
4. To master advanced skills of MuayThai, in both offensive and defensive techniques.
- Clenching the fist
- Hand Wraps
- WaiKru >> respect to His Majestic's the King and Queen, your country, parents, teachers-master-trainers-coach, your opponent and yourself
- Guarding, footwork and stepping (both guards)
- Defending, blocking (both guards)
- Using various parts of the body as a weapon >> punching, kicking, kneeing, front kick (teep), elbowing (both guards)
- Hard Pad Work, 
- Hard training with Sandbag,
- Shadow Boxing,
- Sparring,
- Clinching.


Study Time:
1. Training for 18 days, 6 days a week (Rest on Sunday), twice a day, 2 hours per session.
2. Only Morning session from 07.00-09.00 AND afternoon session from 15.00-17.00

Examination : --> MuayThai 3 (Advance Course) >> 60% pass, the exam consists of two parts;
Part 1 : MuayThai Exam
After you finish all lessons of our MuayThai curriculum in this course then our masters will appointment the day to exam your skills by 3 masters give you scores, the exam time will be at 14.00-15.00 only, 
Our masters will give you a score and grade (A, B, C, D, and F) on paper tests then we will summary your scores and average, if you get over than 60% you will pass our exam and MuayThai Certificate and MuayThai Transcript recognized by Ministry of Eduation, World MuayThai Council and MuayThai Institute.
In case, if you fail the exam, you can train more what you fail and you still have one more chance to do re-exam without any fee of charge. If you still fail, you must register the course again.

Part 2 : Physical Tests
To record personal physical abilities, doesn't has any effect to MuayThai Exam scores.

     1. Speed running,
     2. Zig-zag running,
     3. Push up within 30 seconds,
     4. Squat within 30 seconds,
     5. Sit up within 30 seconds,
     6. Chin up within 30 seconds.

Remark : Our institute always develope and upgrade all of our MuayThai courses for more intensive and appropriate every year.




MUAYTHAI 4 (Professional Level)

Minimum training: 300 Hours / 90-180 days (depends on personal physical condition)
Course expire date : within 180 days since register.


1. For both men and women.
2. Passed MuayThai Level 3 (Advance Skills)
3. Healthy, certified by a physician.
4. Ages 18 years and over.


1. To gain knowledge of MuayThai History and Development.
2. To appreciate and to have right attitudes on Thai cultures and customs
3. To Master Professional skills in MuayThai in both offensive and defensive techniques up to classical levels.
- Clenching the fist
- Hand Wraps (Professional Style)
- WaiKru >> respect to His Majestic's the King and Queen, your country, parents, teachers-master-trainers-coach, your opponent and yourself
- Guarding, footwork and stepping
- Defending
- Using various parts of the body as a weapon >> punching, kicking, kneeing, front kick (teep), elbowing
- Hard Pad Work, 
- Hard training with Sandbag,
- Shadow Boxing,
- Hard Sparring,
- Hard Clinching. 

4. To prepare fitness and skills for competitions
5. To earn incomes from professional fights.


Study Time:
1. Training at least 90 days, 6 days a week (Rest on Sunday), twice a day, 2 hours per session.
2. Only Morning session from 07.00-09.00 AND afternoon session from 15.00-17.00

Examination: at least 3-5 Professional MuayThai Competitions




Tue-Sun >> 09.00-20.00
Monday >> Close (Take a break)


Morning 07.00 - 09.00
Afternoon 15.00 - 17.00

Private class 09.00-15.00
Promotion class 18.00 - 20.00

LAST UPDATE : November 22, 2024
© 2016 by MuayThai Institute, Rangsit Thailand

323 Pahonyothin Road
Prachatipat Thanyaburi
Pathumthani 12130
Thailand / เทศบาลรังสิต, ปทุมธานี
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Tel: +6682-9851115

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